One of the major differences between Japan and Canada when I came to Canada is the three-hour time difference between the east and west sides of Canada. So if the head office of government or company organization is on the east side, I have to consider the time difference and make inquiries. It is just time for Tax Return, so I was supposed to be OK to leave a PDF of what I did in online banking as well, but it didn't show up on my account.My husband told me that it should not be reflected immediately and that I should wait a day, which I agreed and waited. The next day was the same, so I was a little impatient and frustrated, and my husband advised me not to hurt myself because I could just inquire tomorrow. When I came home the next day and called, business hours were over. I just had to leave it to God.
I made the same early morning confirmation call to the bank because when I get up early for yoga practice, it's not a problem. It seems the online process wasn't getting into the system properly and they corrected it. It's the yoga teaching "ishvara pranidhana". Thank you very much. The experience and learning continues 🙏.
カナダに来て日本との大きな違いの一つが、カナダの東側と西側で時差が3時間あるんです。だから行政や会社組織の本社が東側にあると時差を考えて問合せないといけないのです。ちょうどTAX Returnの時期なのでオンラインバンキングでやった内容をPDFにも残してOKのはずがアカウント上に現れず。