In Japan, as soon as Christmas is over, people put away the decorations and get ready for New Year's. Here, Christmas trees are put away around January 7, so I failed to post that I was in a hurry to see the Christmas tree decorated in West Vancouver on January 6.
This beehive tree was very unique! You know that honey is very good for us , but quality is also important in Ayurveda. I found some Raw Honey on sale at my local Whole Food and have been taking a teaspoon every morning since the New Year. What a great idea, not only does it keep your immune system strong, but it's good for brain function. My husband and I are both getting forgetful, so I'm hoping the honey will help.
And my husband is practicing hard to do this yoga pose ( Upavistha Konasana), which he is not good at.
I am getting a lot of opportunities to learn more through Iyenga Yoga. I think that in Canada, there are many opportunities for teachers to share their practice and teaching methods with each other, apart from workshops. Somehow I remember that in Japan, we tended to have tea or dinner and drink together.
I will be even more inspired and enjoyable this year. February is almost here. I have set my resolutions for this year, so let's continue!